Article I: Name, Purpose, and Statement of Principles
Section A: Name
The name of the group shall be the California Democratic Renters Council, hereafter called the Council.
Section B: Purpose
1. The purpose of the Council is to act as a driving force in the development of a tenants’ rights and protections agenda within the Democratic Party for the benefit of the 18 million Californian renters. The Council shall work proactively to realize the inclusion of “Housing is a Human Right” principle in all organizational bodies of the California Democratic Party, especially those that encourage affordable housing, tenants’ rights and address existing implicit bias and housing discrimination public legislative policies. The Council shall promote policy and legislation consistent with our principles and support those Democratic Party office holders and officials proposing and carrying out such policies.
2. Serving as a focal point for Democratic renters and tenants whose interests are priorities for the Council, we will participate in efforts both inside and outside the Party to educate, connect, and inspire California renters, candidates, and other party members to join us for the benefit of our collective membership and the Party. In turn, we shall organize and agitate around the issues we collectively agree to pursue as a body by working with organizations, caucuses, clubs, and Democrats both at and in between regularly scheduled meetings of the State Democratic Party. Council activities can take many forms and are not limited to resolutions, forums, programs, projects, direct action, electoral work, especially around electing tenants to office, lobbying, media outreach, etc. The Council will also participate in various outreach programs of the Party including Census outreach and identifying voters who are renters and registering them as Democrats.
3. The advancement of the California Democratic Party.
Section C: Statement of Principles
1. The Council believes in the promotion of principle before politics and policy before unquestioning fealty to any individual or organization. We seek to build a movement within the Democratic Party so that we may one day see a government controlled by citizens. By belonging to the Council, we affirm our dedication to work for a world where the rights of all people are recognized as equal and inalienable, and where social and economic justice paves the way for true peace.
2. Towards that end, we believe:
a. in the Constitution of the United States of America and the right of the People to self-government,
b. in the restoration of an equal balance of powers between the branches of our Federal government,
c. that as the most basic measure of democracy, citizens have the right to fair and decent housing,
d. that public services must not only be available, but equally accessible to all,
e. that above all, we believe in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Housing is a Human Right and in the principle of a universal community where democracy, respect for the humanity of others and responsibility for the common good prevails.
3. The Council subscribes to the principles set forth in the General Provisions of the Bylaws of the California Democratic Party.
Article II: Organization
Section A: Relationship to California Democratic Party
1. The Council is a “Statewide Chartered Organization” independent of the California Democratic Party, as defined in the By-Laws of the California Democratic Party.
Section B: Rules
1. These bylaws shall govern the organization, operation, and functions of the Council.
2. As the Council has a membership where members only represent themselves, the of use secret ballots is allowed in General Membership proceedings.
Section C: Membership
1. Membership and full voting rights shall be open to all individuals who meet these membership requirements:
a. the individual is a registered California Democrat, or are not currently registered with another political party and intend to register as Democrat when eligible
b. indicates, at the time of their joining, support of the Purpose and Statement of Principles of the Council as stated in Article I above,
c. pays the dues in effect at the time the individual joins the Council, and
d. agrees to the terms of these bylaws.
2. Removal of Members
a. A member may be removed from membership for:
i. nonpayment of dues (except if member requests a financial hardship) or,
ii. member affiliates with or registers as a member of another party, or
iii. by a two-thirds [2/3] vote of the Executive Board Members, hereafter called the Board, in attendance at any Board meeting as set forth in paragraph b. below if, during his/her term of membership, said member:
A. violates these bylaws,
B. publicly avows preference for another party,
C. causes harm to the reputation and/or financial standing of the Council,
D. publicly gives support to or avows a preference for a candidate nominated by another party, or
E. in any way causes harm or disruption to the Council by acting in a manner contrary to the stated goals and principles of the Council.
b. In the event the removal is for reasons stated in Art II, Sec C, a, iii above, a member may be removed by the following procedure:
i. Written charges brought by no fewer than ten [10] members of the Council, or by a minimum of three [3] members of the Board shall be submitted to the Chair who will notify the accused Member, and all members of the Board, of the charges. The Board shall then determine whether the charges and the evidence supporting the charges are sufficient to justify proceeding against the Member.
ii. If the Board finds, after a review, study and evaluation of evidence, that the evidence is insufficient to warrant or justify proceedings, the charges shall be dismissed by the Board.
iii. If the Board finds, after a review, study and evaluation of evidence, that the evidence is sufficient to warrant or justify proceedings against the accused Member, the Board shall hold a hearing, after due and timely notice, to conduct a fact-finding hearing of the charges and the written response of the accused.
iv. Witnesses for both the accuser and the accused may give testimony at the hearing.
v. The hearing may be in person or by telephone conference or some combination thereof, as determined by the Board.
vi. After submission of all the evidence and the proper deliberations thereon, the Board will make ultimate resolution of the dispute.
vii. A two-thirds [2/3] vote of those Board members present and voting shall be required to remove the Member charged.
viii. If either party to the dispute is dissatisfied with the resolution of the dispute by the Board, he/she may appeal the decision of the Board to the full Council. Such appeal must be made in writing to the Board and lodged within fifteen [15] days of the decision being appealed. The appeal will be heard at the next Council meeting more than thirty [30] days after the notice of appeal.
ix. If the decision of the Board is appealed to the full Council, a two-thirds [2/3] vote of those Council members present and voting shall be required to overrule the decision of the Board. Any Council vote less than the required two-thirds [2/3] will be deemed an affirmation of the decision of the Board. No further appeal can or may be made from the decision of the Council in such matters.
Section D: Finance
1. Dues
a. Dues shall be as follows, or more or less as later set by the Board, at its discretion.
i. Regular Member: ten dollars [$10]
ii. Housing Friend, twenty-five dollars [$25]
iii. Housing Patron, fifty dollars [$50]
iv. Housing Activist, help for the 99%!, ninety nine dollars [$99]
b. Any individual claiming financial hardship may be excused from any dues requirement for membership at the discretion of the Chair and/or the Board.
c. Dues shall be renewable each year on the date of the first Membership Meeting of each year.
d. Dues paid after January first [1st] each year will be considered payment through the convention meeting of the following year.
Article III: Officers
Section A: Officers
1. The Officers of the Council shall be:
a. One [1] Chair
i. The Chair shall be a member of the Democratic State Central Committee.
b. Three [3] Vice Chairs, as follows:
i. One [1] Southern Vice Chair
A. Southern Region shall consist of Imperial, Inyo, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura County.
ii. One [1] Central Vice Chair
A. Central Region shall consist of Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Monterey, Santa Barbara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Stanislaus, Tulare, and Tuolumne County.
iii. One [1] Northern Vice Chair
A. Northern Region shall consist of all counties not in the Southern or Central Region.
c. One [1] Secretary
d. One [1] Treasurer
e. Five [5] Officers at Large
2. The Chair shall be the California Democratic Party Democratic State Central Committee Executive Board Representative of the Council.
Section B: Duties of Officers
1. The duties of the Officers are as follows:
a. Chair: The Chair shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer and official voice of the Council, and shall carry out the purpose of the Council. The Chair shall preside over regular meetings of the Council membership and its E-board. The Chair shall endeavor to communicate monthly to the membership via newsletter.
b. Vice Chairs: The Vice Chairs shall assist the Chair in carrying out the Chair’s duties and shall serve as Chair in the Chair’s absence. The Chair shall designate one of the Vice Chairs to serve in the absence of the Chair. Vice Chairs shall oversee the counties of their respective regions as set forth in these bylaws. Vice Chairs shall serve as Senior Representative in their respective regions and be responsible for overseeing the organizing of their regions. Organizing activities shall include, but not be limited to communication, outreach, education and advocacy for issues, projects and campaigns promoted by the Council. Vice Chairs shall appoint Leaders in their Regions based on Counties or Assembly Districts to act as Point Persons for communicating events to the Council, and to assist in duties as deemed necessary. Vice Chairs shall report the progress of their regions to the Board at least once a month and to the Membership at all Membership meetings.
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the minutes of the meetings of the Council and the Executive Board and shall maintain current lists of Council members. The Secretary shall also serve as the Council Historian being responsible for archiving documents and actions of the Council including minutes and agendas of meetings, rules of order and standing resolutions. The Secretary shall be responsible for Council correspondence including official Council communications by email and/or U.S. Postal mail. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be responsible for member registration at conventions and E-board meetings.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall take custody of and account for all funds raised by the Council and shall submit budgets and financial reports as required by state and federal campaign finance regulations as well as the bylaws of the Council. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be responsible for member registration at conventions and E-board meetings.
e. Officers at Large: The Officers at Large shall have such duties as the Board shall decide.
Section C: Election of Officers
1. All Officers shall be elected by the Membership by secret ballot at the Membership Meeting of the Council held during the first California Democratic Party State Convention in odd numbered years.
2. Those who wish to run for office must be members in good standing of the Council defined as meeting the criteria outlined in Article II, Section C of these bylaws for a minimum of thirty [30] days prior to the date of the election and must file notice of their intent to run for office in writing by email to the Board at the official email address not later than thirty [30] days prior to the election. Late nominations, including nominations from the floor, shall be accepted only if no timely notices of intent to run for a particular office have been filed, or all those who have timely filed have either withdrawn their nominations or have failed to appear in person.
3. Candidates for office must complete an Officer Candidate Application and agree to the requirements of the position and of the terms of all Officers as are set forth under Article 3 in these bylaws.
4. Candidates for office may only file for one position.
5. Those who wish to vote in the Officer elections must be members in good standing, defined as meeting the criteria outlined in Article II, Section C of these bylaws.
6. The Board shall endeavor to send a reminder to the membership of the approaching filing deadline not later than forty-five [45] days prior to the date of the election.
Section D: Term of Office & Vacancies
1. The term of office shall be for two years or until a successor is elected.
2. A vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the Council Chair and ratified by a majority vote of all Officers present and voting until a vote by the membership can be held to fill the vacancy at the next scheduled Council Meeting providing requirement for sufficient notice has been met as set forth in these bylaws.
3. A vacancy of the Chair shall be filled by the Vice Chair designated by the Chair to serve as Chair in the absence of the Chair under section 2.B.1.b
Section E: Executive Board
1. Composition, Name, and Quorum:
a. The Executive Board, hereafter called the Board, is made up of the Council Officers
b. Quorum is a majority of the Officers. Vacant seats are not counted for the purpose of calculating a majority.
2. The Board will, at a minimum, meet on a quarterly basis to discuss the activities and business of the Council. Meetings may be conducted by telephone conference or in person.
3. Attendance:
a. Attendance at all scheduled Board meetings and Council Membership meetings whether in person or via other conferencing technologies is required of all Officers except by prior approval of the Chair and/or Board.
b. If a Board member has a genuine conflict and has notified the Chair at least 48 hours in advance, an absence may be excused upon review and approval of the Chair and the Board.
c. In the case of an emergency where the Officer is unable to notify the Chair of an absence in advance, all efforts should be made to notify the Chair as soon as possible.
4. Removal of Officers:
a. An Officer may be removed from office for any of the following causes by two-thirds [2/3] vote of the Board or, if appealed, by two-thirds [2/3] vote of the membership in attendance at any scheduled Council Membership meeting if, during his/her term of office, said Officer:
i. violates, or fails to fulfill responsibilities under these bylaws
ii. causes harm to the reputation and/or financial standing of the Council,
iii. publicly avows preference for another political party,
iv. publicly gives support to or avows a preference for a candidate nominated by another party,
v. engages in conduct that would cause embarrassment or damage to the reputation of the Council,
vi. in any way causes harm or disruption to the Council, or by acting in a manner contrary to the stated goals of the Council, or
vii. fails to perform the duties of the office.
b. Procedure for Removal by Vote: In the event the removal is for reasons stated in section a. above, an officer may be removed by the following procedure.
i. Written charges brought by no fewer than ten [10] members of the Council, or by a minimum of three [3] members of the Board shall be submitted to the Chair who will notify the accused Officer, and all members of the Board of the charges. The Board shall then determine whether the charges and the evidence supporting the charges are sufficient to justify proceeding against the officer.
ii. If the Board finds, after a review, study and evaluation of evidence, that the evidence is insufficient to warrant or justify proceedings, the charges shall be dismissed by the Board.
iii. If the Board finds, after a review, study and evaluation of evidence, that the evidence is sufficient to warrant or justify proceedings against the accused Officer, the Board shall hold a hearing, after due and timely notice, to conduct a fact-finding hearing of the charges and the written response of the accused.
iv. Witnesses for both the accuser and the accused may give testimony at the hearing.
v. The hearing may be in person or via other conferencing technologies.
vi. After submission of all the evidence and the proper deliberations thereon, the Board will make ultimate resolution of the dispute.
vii. A two-thirds [2/3] vote, of those Board members present and voting shall be required to remove from office the Officer charged.
viii. If either party to the dispute is dissatisfied with the resolution of the dispute by the Board, he/she may appeal the decision of the Board to the full Council. Such appeal must be in writing and lodged within fifteen [15] days of the decision being appealed. The appeal will be heard at the next Council meeting more than thirty [30] days after the notice of appeal.
ix. If the decision of the Board is appealed to the full Council, a two-thirds [2/3] vote of those Council members present and voting shall be required to overrule the decision of the Board. Any Council vote less than the required two-thirds [2/3] will be deemed an affirmation of the decision of the Board. No further appeal can or may be made from the decision of the Council in such matters.
c. An Officer is automatically removed from office if, during his/her term of office, said Officer:
i. ceases to be a registered Democrat,
ii. non-payment of Dues:
In the event of non-payment of Council dues, the Secretary shall notify the Officer of a lapse by email and U.S. Postal Mail and the lapsed Officer shall be allowed thirty [30] days after notice to remedy non-payment of dues or file for economic hardship. If the Board receives no response to the notice, the Secretary shall certify that a notice had been sent and not responded to, and that therefore, the fact of non-payment of Council dues is certified. Non-payment of Council membership dues shall constitute automatic removal from office and require no further action, save for the cases of economic hardship.
iii. absence
For purposes of determining absence, board meetings must be noticed a minimum of ten [10] days in advance unless notice is waived by the Officers. Three [3] consecutive unexcused absences from scheduled and noticed Board meetings, whether in person or via other conferencing technologies, and/or from scheduled and noticed Council Membership Meetings, or any combination thereof, shall be considered voluntary resignation and constitute automatic removal from office with no further action required.
Eight [8] absences from any scheduled and noticed meetings of the Board or the Council Membership in any twelve [12] month period whether consecutive or not and whether excused or not shall also constitute voluntary resignation and require no further action. This rule may be waived on an individual case-by-case basis by unanimous vote of the remaining members of the Board. The Council Secretary shall certify non-attendance. The Board shall make all reasonable efforts to accommodate all officers when scheduling meetings.
iv. Procedure for Removal of Officer due to Absence:
A. The Secretary must give advance notice to the Officer that their next absence will result in removal.
B. Chair announces pending removal into the minutes at a scheduled meeting of the Board.
C. Removal becomes effective upon notice in the minutes by the Chair.
D. Board may waive an automatic removal in the case of absence by unanimous vote of remaining Board Members present and voting at a scheduled meeting.
E. Appeal to the membership.
(1) An Officer may appeal the decision of the Board to the full Council. Such appeal must be made in writing to the Board and lodged within fifteen [15] days of the decision being appealed. The appeal will be heard at the next Council meeting more than thirty [30] days after the notice of appeal.
(2) If the decision of the Board is appealed to the full Council, a two-thirds [2/3] vote of those Council members present and voting shall be required to overrule the decision of the Board. Any Council vote less than the required two-thirds [2/3] will be deemed an affirmation of the decision of the Board. No further appeal can or may be made from the decision of the Council in such matters.
(3) Pending outcome of an appeal to the membership, an Officer who has been removed shall remain removed.
Article IV: Procedures
Section A: Meetings
1. All public meetings of the Council shall be open to all members of the Democratic Party and members of the Press or invited guests regardless of economic status, class, race, color, creed, age, ethnic identity, ethnicity, national origin, language, culture, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, religion, or disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and shall be governed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, unless other procedures are specified in these bylaws.
2. Membership Meetings shall be held in conjunction with the Convention of the State Democratic Party and during the weekend of the regularly scheduled meetings of the State Party Executive Board and at such other times as the Board may call upon thirty [30] day-notice as set forth in Article IV, Section D of these bylaws.
3. A tentative agenda will be sent to members at least ten [10] days prior to any general membership meeting. Email delivery of agenda shall be considered sufficient.
4. Minutes of the Council Membership Meetings will be distributed via email to the members within thirty [30] days following each meeting of the Council.
Section B: Quorum to Do Business
Ten percent [10%] of the voting members or twenty [20] members, whichever is less, at all scheduled meetings under Article IV, Section 1 shall be considered a quorum to do business. While the Council may meet without a quorum it may not do official business or take a vote.
Section C: Amendments & Revisions to Bylaws
1. These bylaws may be amended or revised by two-thirds [2/3] up or down vote of the members in good standing who are present and voting at a scheduled Council meeting, provided that:
a. the amendment or revision meets the requirements of and does not conflict with the requirements of the California Democratic Party for a statewide chartered organization.
b. a quorum is present.
c. notice of intent to amend or revise these bylaws has been given to the Membership as set forth in Article IV, Section D of these bylaws at least thirty [30] days prior, or if the Board certifies an emergency and states the grounds for such certification then at least ten [10] days prior to the meeting where the amendment will be presented to the general membership for approval and that a copy of the proposed changes/amendments is provided with that notice. An emergency amendment or revision of the bylaws shall require a supermajority vote of seventy-five percent [75%] of members in good standing present and voting at the meeting.
2. Proposals or requests for bylaws amendments or revisions may be submitted in writing by any member in good standing to the Board via the Chair no later than sixty [60] days prior to the membership meeting at which a vote is to be taken.
Section D: Official Notice to Members
1. Email delivery shall be considered sufficient notice for all purposes.
2. All notices by the Council via email will be considered valid if:
a. the sender and receiver have both consented, in writing, to sending and receiving notice in this manner, and consent may be implied if the receiver has given the Council an email address to use for notices,
b. the notice was sent to or from the email address specified when giving consent, or most recent email address specified on a subsequent notice of change of address by sender or receiver, and
c. the obligation to inform and procedure for informing of any change in email address has been specified in writing.
Article V. Endorsements & Resolutions
Section A: Endorsements
The Council, as a statewide chartered organization granted a charter by the California Democratic Party, shall not endorse any candidate for public office running against an endorsed candidate of the California Democratic Party, and also shall not endorse any non-Democrat for elective office. This shall not bind any member of the Council from making an individual public endorsement of any candidate.
Council titles should not be used when making individual endorsements.
1. Endorsements will be made using Ranked Choice Voting. To be endorsed, a candidate must be ranked on at least 60% of all ballots cast.
Section B: Resolutions
1. Introduction of Resolution (Refer to Article II, Section B, #2)
a. The following shall govern the submission of resolutions:
i. All resolutions must be typed.
ii. Proposed resolution must be provided to the Chair at least twenty-one [21] days in advance of the meeting at which it is to be considered. Submission may be made via email or postal mail.
iii. Whereas clauses must be limited to three or less and resolved clauses to two or less.
iv. All resolutions must contain an “action clause” indicating the action requested.
b. The Board shall:
i. Consider only those resolutions submitted by a member in good standing of the Council.
ii. Combine similar resolutions by re-writing.
iii. Reject resolutions which repeat past positions unless substantially new actions are proposed.
iv. Only consider for endorsement state and local ballot measures qualified for the ballot by the appropriate qualifying authority.
v. Notice the membership not less than seven [7] days prior to the membership meeting where the resolution will be presented for a vote as set forth in Article IV, Section D of these bylaws. Notice shall include a full copy of the resolution to be proposed.
c. Except upon two-thirds [2/3] majority vote of the Board, the Board shall not consider any resolutions not in conformity with the foregoing rules.
d. Except as otherwise provided below a resolution must first be presented to the Board.
e. For a resolution to be brought up directly on the floor of a Council meeting it must be signed by 25 members in good standing.
2. Passage of Resolution
a. A resolution approved by the Board shall be brought up automatically for consideration as part of the Board Report at the next meeting of the Council.
b. A resolution not approved by the Board must meet the same signature requirements as one coming directly to the floor. These resolutions shall be considered during presentation of the report of the Board at the next meeting of the Council.
c. No resolution shall be passed except upon sixty percent [60%] affirmative vote by members in good standing present and voting at a scheduled Council meeting.
Article VI. Interpretation
Section A: Interpretation of Bylaws
1. Questions of interpretation of these bylaws arising other than in the course of the meeting or requiring resolution during the course of the meeting may be appealed in writing to the Board who shall render its decision. The Parliamentarian shall advise the Board in such matters.
2. Questions of interpretation of these bylaws requiring resolution at a meeting may be appealed orally or in writing to the Parliamentarian. Any requests for amendment or revision of these bylaws must be presented as set forth in Art IV, Sec C, 1c of these bylaws.
3. Decisions of the Board concerning interpretation of these bylaws may be appealed to the membership whose decision shall be final. A vote of two-thirds [2/3] of members in good standing present and voting is required to overturn the decision of the Board.
Article VII. Anti-Discrimination Provisions
Section A:
The Council is committed to non-discrimination on the basis of economic status, class, race, color, creed, age, ethnic identity, ethnicity, national origin, language, culture, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, religion, or disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or any other factor unrelated to membership and the mission of the Council. Any conduct by any official or official body of the Council contrary to this non-discrimination commitment should immediately be brought to the attention of the Board.
Section B. Code of Conduct
1. Expected Behavior
The Council is committed to providing a welcoming, respectful, friendly, safe, supportive, and harassment-free environment for members, and all others associated with the Council. The Council expects all leaders, members, and others associated with the Council to act professionally, respecting the personal rights and dignities of all individuals involved with the party so as to create a productive, inclusive environment for all.
All individuals should feel welcome and safe within the Council, regardless of their sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, religion, creed, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, military or veteran status, body size, domestic violence victim status, or any other legally protected classifications.
The Council behavior standards are not limited to Council meetings. Harassment will not be tolerated at any and all events sponsored by or affiliated with the Council, as well as in Council-related calls, texts, emails, and social media like Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat.
2. Harassment Unacceptable
The Council will not tolerate harassment—that is, disrespectful or unprofessional conduct based on any of the protected categories listed above. Prohibited harassment can be verbal (such as slurs, jokes, insults, epithets, gestures, or teasing based on the protected categories listed above), visual (such as the posting or distribution of offensive posters, symbols, cartoons, drawings, computer displays, or emails based on the protected categories listed above), or physical (such as physically threatening another person, blocking someone’s way, touching private parts, making physical contact in an unwelcome manner, etc.).
The Council will not tolerate sexual harassment, that is, harassment based on sex or conduct of a sexual nature, which includes harassment based on sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions), gender, gender identity or gender expression. Prohibited sexual harassment may include all of the actions described above as harassment, as well as other unwelcome sex-based conduct, such as unwelcome or unsolicited sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, conversations regarding sexual activities, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexually harassing conduct need not be motivated by sexual desire and may include situations that began as reciprocal relationships, but that later cease to be reciprocal.
The Council prohibits quid pro quo sexual harassment, such as when submission to sexual conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s membership in the party, appointment to committee, leadership, or other role within the Council; or submission to or rejection of sexual conduct by an individual is used as the basis for decisions affecting that individual.
The Council prohibits the creation of a hostile environment, that is, conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or otherwise offensive environment, including but not limited to: unwelcome sexual advances, flirtation, teasing, sexually suggestive or obscene letters, invitations, notes, emails, voicemails or gifts; sex, gender or sexual orientation-related comments, slurs, jokes, remarks or epithets; leering, obscene or vulgar gestures or making sexual gestures; displaying or distributing sexually suggestive or derogatory objects, pictures, cartoons, or posters or any such items; impeding or blocking movement, unwelcome touching or assaulting others; any abusive yelling or screaming, other verbal threats, or disrespectful language (in any form) directed at a person; any sexual advances that are unwelcome as well as reprisals or threats after a negative response to sexual advances; and conduct or comments consistently targeted at one gender, even if the content is not sexual.
The examples above are just that—examples. In general, any conduct listed above or that is based on the protected classifications listed above that could interfere with an individual’s participation in the Council or could create an offensive environment will be considered harassment in violation of this code of conduct. This is the case even if the offending individual did not mean to be offensive. It is essential that we all be sensitive to the feelings of others.
3. Retaliation Prohibited
The Council takes very seriously its responsibility to provide all members with a welcoming, respectful, and safe environment and urges any member who feels uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe to report harassment (of themselves or observed with respect to others) as soon as possible. Retaliation for reporting harassment or discrimination, or participating in an investigation with respect to harassment or discrimination, is prohibited.
Retaliation may include, but is not limited to, exclusion from meetings or committees, ostracism, badmouthing, or other conduct that may limit engagement with the Council, or that would be reasonably likely to deter a reasonable Council member from reporting harassment or participating in a harassment investigation.
Article VIII. Previous Bylaws
Any and all constitutions and/or bylaws heretofore governing this Council are hereby declared to be superseded by these bylaws.
Certification of Council Officers
We, the Officers of the California Democratic Renters Council, hereby adopt the foregoing Bylaws, consisting of fifteen [15] pages, as the Bylaws of this Council.
Mari Perez-Ruiz, Chair
Arturo Rodriguez, Treasurer / Central Vice Chair
Alfred Twu, Secretary
Igor Tregub, Northern Vice Chair
Andrew Lewis, Southern Vice Chair
Imber Anakata, Officer at Large